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46 Movie Reviews

2 w/ Responses

Good work!

It's great that you make these movies! People need to know what's going on! My only comment is that I get slightly stressed out by the text changing so quickly - but I realise you have to have it that way for the music to work, so don't change that. Your timing is good - your style is great - your music choice is excellent! You have some real talent!

Great film!

Very, very, VERY good work! Artwork: brilliant (but maybe a bit scetchy now and again, but really nice all the same!) Use of colour: brilliant! Story: brilliant! How long did this take you, anyway? And never listen to crappy reviewers who don't know what they're talking about!

Deep movie!

A "be-yourself" or keep-it-real" moral wrapped in a long, heavy, not entirely fictional world. It kind of scared me, because sadly, I don't think this movie is going to be too far from the truth in the future if we don't change our attitudes a bit. The text was a bit hard to read sometimes, as I'm a slow reader, but this movie really is worth watching.

Way over the top, but...

I think this went slightly overboard when it came to harrasing with the average shallow-minded American navel contemplator, but still, there's a message there. If you're American, don't take it literally, but try to see what the message is. If you're lucky, you might even learn something.


Finally a decent movie about why people should write decent reviews. I've been wanting to make one like this, but I've allways been to scared of the mob to actually produce it. Reviews like "fuk u" or "i hate u!1 u suc!!1!" are really starting to piss me off. And the worst part to them is that you look like you're a pathetic loser if you stand up them and answer. Great animation, great monolog and great idea even. I thank you for making this: Thankyou. There.

Quite right...

I've heard the clip before as well, but it's always good to see it animated. I know you didn't make the sound, but for your information. The word fuck, comes from the 14th century, and the plague that ran through Europe at the time. Thousands died. When it was all over, the King of England ordered everyone to go have sex so the country would be populated again. Thus: Fornication Under Consent of King, or FUCK.


I love frame-by-frame animations in flash!!! Love them! Great work!!!


This actually reminds me of Deep Fried Live. The best cooking show on Newgrounds (or in flash for that matter). You maintained the cooking show style very well. However, I would have had the roommate do something crazier. Like trying to fly of a skyscraper while believing he was a chicken or maybe seeing what happens when one chops ones arm off. Anyway, great job! :)

William Robertson @w85

Age 39, Male

Civil Worker

Oslo, Norway

Joined on 11/10/01

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